Passing (2021)

Hanna Tai
Passing (All Through Everything) 2021 (detail)
Three flags with appliqued text
monofilament mesh, 180 cm x 90 cm each
Photograph by Lucy Foster
Passing 2021
9–19 October 2021
Kyneton Scout Hall & under the Mollison St Bridge along the Campaspe (Boregam) River Walk, Kyneton
This was an early showing of the work in the leadup to the Kyneton Contemporary Art Triennial
Tai’s three-part work ‘Passing’ responds to two sites near the Boregam (Campaspe) River, Kyneton – under the Mollison Street Bridge and at the nearby Kyneton Scout Hall. A choral sound piece made in collaboration with local choir the Pollyphonics, a native flowering garden, and a suite of flags bearing the words ALL, THROUGH, and EVERYTHING, work together to invite audiences to experience their surroundings as places of temporal, sensory, and cosmic connection.
Passing also reflects on contradictory experiences of time during endless COVID-19 induced lockdowns – where something can seem to pass in an instant and at the same time take forever, resonating through everything.
Designed to align with changing seasons, Passing harnesses the new growth of Spring, which can also be a time for fresh perspectives and hopefulness: a flower blooms from the energy of the sun, a flag is animated by the sun-powered wind, and voices sing in unison. Together each part makes visible the transforming qualities of nature, cycles of time and the interconnected things that permeate our everyday.
Play the sound work here.
Passing (All Through Everything) 2021 (detail)
Three flags with appliqued text
monofilament mesh, 180 cm x 90 cm each
Photograph by Lucy Foster
Passing 2021
9–19 October 2021
Kyneton Scout Hall & under the Mollison St Bridge along the Campaspe (Boregam) River Walk, Kyneton
This was an early showing of the work in the leadup to the Kyneton Contemporary Art Triennial
Tai’s three-part work ‘Passing’ responds to two sites near the Boregam (Campaspe) River, Kyneton – under the Mollison Street Bridge and at the nearby Kyneton Scout Hall. A choral sound piece made in collaboration with local choir the Pollyphonics, a native flowering garden, and a suite of flags bearing the words ALL, THROUGH, and EVERYTHING, work together to invite audiences to experience their surroundings as places of temporal, sensory, and cosmic connection.
Passing also reflects on contradictory experiences of time during endless COVID-19 induced lockdowns – where something can seem to pass in an instant and at the same time take forever, resonating through everything.
Designed to align with changing seasons, Passing harnesses the new growth of Spring, which can also be a time for fresh perspectives and hopefulness: a flower blooms from the energy of the sun, a flag is animated by the sun-powered wind, and voices sing in unison. Together each part makes visible the transforming qualities of nature, cycles of time and the interconnected things that permeate our everyday.
Play the sound work here.
‘Passing (Round)’ is best listened to outside and on headphones, while walking or seated, in a place where you can sense something passing by. This could be on the street, by a body of moving water, in dappled sunlight, with trees or sleeping animals, amongst scented flowers or leaves, or in a place where you can feel a gentle breeze.
Passing is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.